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splash graphics for "COders Strike Back"

CodinGame multiplayer!

I’m getting deeper into‘s challenges these days by competing in multiplayer games like “Coders Strike Back (write the AI for pods in a Star Wars-like pod racing game!) and Clash of Code (compete head to head with 7 other coders to see who can solve a coding puzzle faster, time limit of 15 min.)

Doing this has vastly increased my ranking on CodinGame. I’m now ranked in the top 2,000 CodinGame users. That and $5.00 entitles me to a latté at Starbuck’s, so I’m told.

In all seriousness, it’s been very fun. Watching my bots play video games on my behalf in a tournament against thousands of other coders’ solutions has entertained me greatly.

Here’s a sample race that I hand selected to showcase (because I won it).